Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TVLesson is no longer going to be available online. A virus broke out within the servers and it caused mass deletion of many of our great videos. I just want to thank all of our fans for their support and our partners for their help…

APRIL FOOLS. Happy April Fools everybody. Growing up, I always wondered where April Fools originated from. According to very accurate sources, April Fools came from France when Charles IX changed the first day of the year to January 1st when it was April 1st. People decided to stick with the old April First and they were called fools; Hence the term April Fools. Wouldn’t it be terrible to be born on April first? No one would believe it was your birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, let’s wish a Happy Birthday to Mike Oh, our ever so popular blogger and senior editor. He turned 27 today so drop him some love on this blog post. If you want to go the extra mile and bake him a cake, you can watch this video here and cook him up a delicious dessert. I'm sure he will be ecstatic.
